Stellarium Re: [stellarium-pubdevel New Icons For Mac

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You can subscribe to this list. Dear all, I just commited change in the view window following some discussions we had before: - I swaped projection and labels group box between Sky and Marking tabs. I moved the atmosphere checkbox and light pollution spin box into the Sky part.

I think it's more intuitive for users to set up stars parameters at the same place as sky pollution. The projection set-up has also now more space. One problem is that the window ends up even bigger. One solution could be to merge Star and Atmosphere group boxes, or/and to put the label amount slider in one of the columns. What do you think? Johan, if you don't like we can revert to previous version.

Hi Nigel, On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 5:44 PM, Nigel Kerr wrote: Good FolkTo any who have built recent (r3631 with Qt 4.4.1), I'm wondering if you're having the same troubles this morning that I am:. on both intel and ppc: - launch seems slower than previously, and the vram garbage is back - bring up any dialog box, and the program will hang: the only control that works is CMD-q to quit. on just the ppc: - eventually a similar freeze will occur if looking at the sky without atmosphere and ground. i notice that Qt is loading Qt image and icon plugins, and that this is causing some double linking complained of in

I'm trying to eradicate that presently, such that all the libraries needed are in the bundle and no external linking is needed. I don't know if this and the above are related. Fabien, have you seen any of this on recent mac builds? My last was in the late 3500, and it didn't express these problems. I haven't tried mac builds since a while. It would be nice to know what change caused the regression. Could it be just caused by Qt 4.4.1?

Fabien cheersNigle - This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world Stellarium-pubdevel mailing list Stellarium-pubdevel@. On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 9:01 AM, Matthew Gates wrote: On Sunday 14 September 2008, Johan Meuris wrote: What about managing the configuration saving in the configuration window? I am not sure if it would be the right thing to do. It's not typical to find a 'save settings' option which applies to settings in one dialog, in a different dialog. It's not clear how users would find that. A further step would be to offer saved configurations - for telescope use, for observation planning, etc. I have thought about this in the past - perhaps we could have some 'userconfig.ini' file which if it exists would contain just the name of the config.ini file to use.

There could be any number of ways to implement it. My main reservation against that is supporting people who have problems - it adds another step (finding out what config file is being used) to diagnose problems posted in the forums or bug tracker. Yeah, and it's also trickier for us to manage. I'm just scared of making the view dialog into a mutant.

Stellarium re: stellarium-pubdevel new icons for mac mac

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Stellarium Re: Stellarium-pubdevel New Icons For Mac Mac

Stellarium re: stellarium-pubdevel new icons for mac mac

Yeah, I agree. We could make the save button a small one - perhaps with just a small save icon, and a tool tip to give a textual description of what it does. Where to put it is still a problem though. I agree with Matthew on the idea of managing the config saving in the config window. That said, the current testing save buttons on the SVN are quite confusing, it's hard to tell on what they apply.

I don't see a great solution, the problem is difficult. We need to make clear on which scope each save button apply. Maybe the best is add a small discrete floppy disk icon at the side of every option?

Fabien Matthew 2008/9/14 Matthew Gates I have updated the view dialog so that most of the settings are immediately saved to the config.ini file. The exceptions are the default landscape and sky cultures values, where there was a good place for a 'save as default' button. This state of affairs is not satisfactory - if view settings are changed using the toolbar or keys, the value in the view dialog is updated, but the setting is not saved. For this reason, and that it is the way the program has worked beforeand because I am not generally a fan of instant settings saving, I think we need a 'save settings to config.ini' button in the view dialog - either per tab, or for the whole dialog. Johan, do you think you can make it look OK?

Matthew - - This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world Stellarium-pubdevel mailing list Stellarium-pubdevel@. - This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world Stellarium-pubdevel mailing list Stellarium-pubdevel@. OK, I applied your patch.

The stars look very good now, thanks for your good work:D Fabien PS: I'm feeling better now! On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 2:46 AM, Lone Hiker wrote: Hi FabienSorry to hear you're not feeling well. Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 13:35:56 +0200 From: fabien.chereau@.

To: stellarium-pubdevel@. Subject: Re: Stellarium-pubdevel Mars and BV color updates The deviation is probably caused by the multiplication by the Gamma function. The coef from the config.ini file should be given before gamma correction while the ones in the code include it already. I didn't do a line-by-line comparison, but a cursory examination shows that many of the array elements are identical to the original and most of the 47 new array elements are only inconsequentially different.

I did happen to notice a couple of exceptions, the most obvious of which is the last element. It's significantly different than what it should be. The gamma function appears to have little or no practical effect on most of the values. I suggest the new array patch I submitted be used to insure a consistency between my methodology, my validation build and the final product. Of course this is only a suggestion.:) Mike Get more out of the Web.

Stellarium Re: Stellarium-pubdevel New Icons For Mac 2017

Learn 10 hidden secrets of Windows Live. - This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world Stellarium-pubdevel mailing list Stellarium-pubdevel@.

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